Solar Industrial Power Plant
Power Plant

- Euro Premium Solar (EPS) provide the most efficient solutions for installation and commissioning services for Kilo watt to Mega watt Power Scale Project.
- For Setting up The solar PV System the Government of India has given various attractive schemes to individual & organization. In India we get over 320 Sunny days in a year, which yields more generation.
Grid tie Solar PV System with Net Metering:
PV SystemThis is without Battery System hence Very economic in cost and no recurring expenses being no Battery replacement required.
It reduces the energy bill by sharing and Synchronizing the Solar Energy with Grid.
New generation components provide High Efficiency, Reliability & Durability.
It’s Innovative technology Provides 99.99 % MPPT Efficiency and generates more power even during low radiations.
It`s Wifi facility provides remote monitoring on Mobile Phone or PC of its Power Generation with all Parameters.
It is Suitable for both-“Net Metering” & “Regular Metering” even if more load of Power.
EPS System is integrated with reverse feeding controller for D.G. & reverse flow. Grid tie Solar PV System with Net Metering.
BenefitsRunning cost & Maintenance very Negligible and Easy to install.
Adjustable in any kind of load without any changing in Wiring can run Air conditioners, Refrigerator, Heavy Motors, etc.
Payback time - 3 to 5 years**. There after a revenue generation for 25 years.
Save Income Tax, get additional Tax depreciation benefit 1st Year 40%, 2nd Year 20%, 3rd Year 20% and 4th Year 20% It is Indeed, where the Electricity Bills are High Value due to High Consumption.
High Efficient - Make in India Solar Panels (APS).
Smart Inverter Technology Remote online monitoring of system through it`s Integrated WiFi for power generations & faults.
Other Services:
Other ServicesLiaising for Registration & Permission from, GEDA and other Nodal Agency, MNRE & Utility Companies.
Liaising with banks & financial institutions for soft loan.
FOR FACTORIES- Nowadays the use of the Solar Panel For Factories are also gaining the popularity and are highly demanded in the markets. This modern approach is budget as well as the environment friendly. There are so many countries that emphasises the use of the solar panel for the factories.
- The solar panel for flat roof can be easily installed on the roof of the company and these are further used for the power generation that can be used for the varieties of the purposes.
- The main benefit of the using this solar panel is that firstly, they can be used for the power generation and the power generated by this solar panel can be used for the operating the machineries, power supply of the factory, etc.
- These solar panels are also helpful for heating the water that can be directly or indirectly used further uses. There are some factories that are associated with the food production can also make use of the solar cookers or the solar panel for cooking the food.
- In some cases, they are also beneficial for maintain a particular temperature and there are so many ways that the use of these solar panels can be done in the factories. If you are using the solar panel for factories, a lot of money can be saved as the electricity bill can be saved a lot and also they require less maintenance.
- Being an environment and budget friendly they are also very spacious as the Solar Panels for Flat Roofs can be installed and mounted on the top of the factory and can be used for the varieties of the purposes.
- Kindly contact us for more details regarding the product or the services. We are the leading Solar PV System Manufacturer, supplier and exporter in Ahmedabad, Gujarat that is providing the complete solution related to the Solar PV system and the other product that also at the exclusive price.